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Maggie L. Fox Statement on Climate Reality Gaming Concepts Event


DATE: December 2, 2011 

CONTACT: Eric Young, 703-217-6814,

Today, The Climate Reality Project met in New York with PSFK and other leaders in the gaming community to announce the results of an exciting project called Gaming for Good. Together with PSFK we posed a challenge to the global gaming and creative communities: Design new gaming concepts that will help change the conversation about the climate crisis.

Over 60 agencies from around the world submitted concepts. Today, The Climate Reality Project revealed ten submissions. You can find out more about the submissions here: 

Maggie L. Fox, President and CEO of The Climate Reality Project, issued the following statement:

"When PSFK asked us to join them in challenging the gaming community to apply their creative skills to help fight the climate crisis, we knew it was an extraordinary opportunity. The results of the challenge have confirmed our initial reaction. The gaming concepts these teams have created can be used by individuals, communities, organizations and even nations to acknowledge the reality we are facing and work toward solutions."

"Gaming presents us with new and innovative ways to engage more people in the climate fight--interesting, fun and empowering ways to make change. Many of the submissions we offered today will help more people focus on solutions in creative and original ways."