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Shut Down the Dakota Access Pipeline


Pipeline Rally

It's time to shut the Dakota Access Pipeline down once and for all.  

The pipeline – carrying up to of 750,000 barrels of oil a day – crosses Lake Oahe, a culturally significant water source that the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe depend on for drinking water and fishing.  

It’s not a matter of if the pipeline will leak oil, but when

Plus, burning the oil carried in the pipeline will only accelerate climate change at a time when we need to be cutting emissions as quickly as possible – not generating exponentially more. 

We cannot let Big Oil continue to profit from an energy system that threatens both our planet and Indigenous land, sovereignty, and history. 

The Army Corps of Engineers is currently taking public comments on its recently released draft environmental impact statement on the pipeline.  

Take action today and tell the Corps of Engineers to reject this draft statement and shut down the pipeline. For the health and well-being of surrounding tribes and communities and for our planet.