Steven Miles
Australia; Trained in 2007
Holding the line on climate change in Queensland.
For many soon-to-be parents, the imminent arrival of a child invites deeper questions about the world and their place in it. For Steven Miles, expecting his first child led him think deeply about Queensland's extraordinary natural environment, and in particular, the global treasure that is the Great Barrier Reef, now in real danger thanks to warmer and more acidic seas brought by climate change.
Wanting to know what he could do, he joined Climate Reality's first training in Australia in 2007. Inspired by the experience to share what he knew, he developed
a national program to teach workplace representatives about the challenge of climate change.
This same desire to make a difference led him to run for office and he was first elected to the Queensland Parliament in 2015, becoming minister for environment and the Great Barrier Reef, taking over the health portfolio in 2017, and now, continues to serve the people of Queensland in this position.
In a very conservative state home to over 50 major coal mines, he is one of the very ministers to hold the line on climate change and continue to advocate for solutions within the Queensland government.