Tell President Biden: An Oil Man Can't Lead COP 28

We cannot trust the CEO of the United Arab Emirates' national oil company, Dr. Sultan Al Jaber, to lead negotiations at the UN's upcoming COP 28 climate talks. Talks that must focus on speeding the transition away from the fossil fuels driving climate change and threatening our shared future.
The conflict of interest is too great. The stakes are planet-sized.
That was the message from members of Congress and the European Parliament in a recent letter to President Biden and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyden.
They're right. Dr. Al Jaber is a highly accomplished executive. But he is also CEO of one of the largest oil companies on the planet – a company that plans to boost oil production by 7.6 billion barrels in coming years. And in refusing to step down from this role while serving as COP president, he made clear where his true allegiances lie.
Oil and climate don't mix. It's just that simple.
Tell President Biden that we need a COP president committed to accelerating a just transition away from fossil fuels. Not protecting industry interests.
Our very world depends on it.