10 of the Best Tweets on Climate Change
In 280 characters or fewer, these tweets cover the absurdity of climate denial, ponder what alien life would think about dirty energy, and worry that the future of rap is at stake. Here are 10 of the best tweets about climate change:
1. Yeah, could we?
Could reporters stop asking if political leaders "believe" in climate change and start asking if they understand it instead
— Megan Collins (@megancollins) June 2, 2017
Here’s the reality: There is an overwhelming consensus among climate scientists that our climate is changing and humans are to blame. When we burn fossil fuels, we pump heat-trapping gases into our atmosphere that cause temperatures to rise. And just like the health of our families, climate change should never be a partisan issue! Get the facts in our free Climate 101 e-book.
2. Neil deGrasse Tyson has questions ready to ask alien life
If I were ever abducted by aliens, the first thing I’d ask is whether they came from a planet where people also deny science.
— Neil deGrasse Tyson (@neiltyson) March 25, 2015
As climate scientist Dr. Michael E. Mann told Climate Reality in an interview last year, “There is no longer a worthy debate to be had about whether we have a problem. There is a worthy debate to be had about how we go about solving that problem.”
3. He’s not the only one who wonders what extraterrestrials would think
Alien: why should I not blow up this planet?
— naan swanson (@johnbiehl) June 12, 2015
Human: we are an advanced species
A: how do you travel?
H: we light old dinosaurs on fire
Dirty, dangerous fossil fuels are the energy of the past. And clean, reliable renewable energy is helping us power the world today. Get the facts in our free fossil fuel fact sheet.
4. Oh, Chad
there’s no way I could get away with naming a fossil fuel industry spokesman this in a book or a movie pic.twitter.com/fFMxKk0MSV
— Saladin Ahmed (@saladinahmed) October 12, 2017
Thanks to the fossil fuel industry, there’s a lot of misinformation out there about our warming world and renewable energy. But don’t worry – we have a fact sheet about renewable energy to help you get to the truth.
5. A story for the ages
Plot idea: 97% of the world's scientists contrive an environmental crisis, but are exposed by a plucky band of billionaires & oil companies.
— Scott Westerfeld (@ScottWesterfeld) March 21, 2014
6. Just a quick public service announcement
— Lucky Tran (@luckytran) August 3, 2017
Earth is not flat
Vaccines work
We've been to the moon
Chemtrails aren't a thing
Climate change is real#StandUpForScience
Those are just the facts. If you know that climate change is real (and you live in the US), join the Climate Majority and join us in fighting for solutions.
7. Even JK Rowling appreciates this one
The existence of Twitter is forever validated by the following exchange. pic.twitter.com/f3TciHPFFh
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) August 16, 2016
We think that’s what they call a mic drop.
8. An oldie but a goodie from Stephen Colbert
Global warming isn't real because I was cold today! Also great news: World hunger is over because I just ate.
— Stephen Colbert (@StephenAtHome) November 19, 2014
Weather and climate aren’t the same thing! And cold weather doesn’t disprove climate change.
9. Sometimes climate denial eclipses all logic
Scientist: The eclipse will be just like this...
— Dirty Computer (@Johngcole) August 21, 2017
People: Wow, you were right.
Scientist: Now about climate change
People: Shut up egghead
Climate scientists (like the incredible Dr. Katharine Hayhoe) work tirelessly to research and deliver the latest information on the future of our planet. If 97 percent of doctors tell you that you’re sick and need an operation, wouldn’t you do something about it?
10. The future of rap is at stake, did you know?
Global warming's for real y'all. Someday there won't be any rappers with ice in their names. Only water. Water-T. Water Cube. Vanilla Water.
— George Wallace (@MrGeorgeWallace) April 26, 2012
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