Countdown to November 8 Starts Now
This is our chance to shape the country you want. The future you want. To protect our democracy from powerful forces trying to silence our voices.
It’s hard to believe it – it seems like we were all just watching the ball drop in Times Square, clinking glasses of champagne, and screaming “Happy New Year!” But blink and here we are – US Election Day is just TWO months away on November 8.
And if we blink again, these two months will disappear just as quickly. That’s why it’s so critical to take the time today to make sure you’re registered to vote (and register right now if you’re not?). Because you don’t want to sit this one out.
Ok, you’re saying, so what’s the big deal with the 2022 US election? Isn’t it just the midterms? It’s not like it’s the presidential election or anything, right?
Here’s the thing: Every election matters. In 2020, young voters turned out in near record numbers to vote for the country they want. The result? The biggest infrastructure bills in US history. Huge chunks of student debt cancelled for millions. Billions to clean up our air and water.
Voting this year is your chance to make a difference and really help shape the country you want. The future you want. To protect our democracy from powerful forces trying to silence our voices.
Because here's the silent punchline: There are lots of people who don't want you to vote. According to the Brennan Center, this year alone six states have passed nine election interference laws to undermine faith in the democratic process. As of May at least 11 states had bills to restrict voting moving through their legislatures. No surprise, these laws hit communities of color especially - and disproportionately - hard.
So what can you do? Start with the easy stuff to make it hard for someone to take away your voice and your vote.
Take a moment to check your voter registration status – and then register to vote! And if you’re like “Hey, I got this – I vote in every election,” check anyway. Because if we all stopped to think when we last updated or confirmed our voter registration information with our state or… if we remembered to register to vote after our last big move, we might have millions of fewer surprises when we get to the polls.
Don’t delay - join us and check your voter registration status today!