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Our Top Social Media Posts of 2020

Wrapping up a year that included everything from the COVID-19 pandemic to a historic election in the US, we’re taking a moment to look at some of our social media posts that caught the attention of, and even inspired, Climate Reality followers.


Let’s be honest: 2020 has been a rollercoaster of a year. As we wrap up 12 months that has seen everything from the COVID-19 pandemic to a historic election in the US, we’re taking a moment to look at some of our social media posts that caught the attention of, and even inspired, Climate Reality followers.

This year also brought many climate news stories including a record-breaking Atlantic hurricane season, devastating wildfires in California, and a warming Arctic. Let’s take a look at some of the social media posts that tell the story of the climate fight in 2020.

1. Taking a stand for action against COVID-19 and the climate crisis

The climate crisis is – and long has been – a global emergency. And every emergency deserves an appropriate response.

Posted by Climate Reality on Friday, March 13, 2020

With two crises happening at the same time, it can be overwhelming to think about what the future holds. This article explains that once we fight COVID-19, we need to use the same energy to create a healthier planet for generations to come.

Back in March, we didn’t know what the rest of 2020 would hold for us, let alone what the years to come will be like. What we did know is that we had to face the pandemic head-on and work together as a worldwide community to protect our loved ones and ourselves. The same goes for the climate fight: Together, we can make a difference.

2. Historic fires in California, Washington, and Oregon

In September, people across California, Washington, and Oregon woke up to see eerie orange skies so dark that they had to turn their car headlights on in the middle of the day. The source: an unprecedented number of wind-driven wildfires, burning more than 4 million acres since the start of 2020, generating enormous amounts of smoke and blanketing the West Coast of the United States.

These photos make it clear that this is a climate crisis that we are watching play out in real-time. Want to learn more about these devastating wildfires across California and the world? Take a look at our blog!

3. Heat waves in the Arctic

One of the biggest climate news stories of the year was the rising temperatures in the Arctic. In May, temperatures even rose to 86 degrees Fahrenheit in Siberia. In Siberia.

Not only were there rising temperatures, but studies show that the Arctic is heating up more than twice as quickly as other regions. As temperatures rose, fires and melting sea ice were also taking a toll on this unique ecosystem.

4. Racial justice is climate justice


Posted by Climate Reality on Monday, August 24, 2020

This year will go down in the history books for many reasons – one of the most notable parts was the push for racial justice in the US in the face of countless police shootings of Black people. We want to make it clear: climate justice is racial justice.

So, why is a climate organization talking about racial justice? Because our movement is about standing up for those most affected by climate change, which is overwhelmingly marginalized communities and people of color. You can learn more here.

5. We stand with scientists


We stand with science and the scientists shouting from the rooftops that the climate crisis is real and happening now. Over the last few years, we’ve seen scientists speaking out and taking to the streets, joining activists to raise their voices and demand action. It’s up to us to listen to the scientists and call for our leaders to do the same.

6. 2020 US Presidential Election


As the news about the 2020 US presidential election results spread across the world, we posted this graphic to make it clear that this is our moment to take action for our planet.

If we act now, we can heal divides, prioritize climate action, create a clean energy economy, and fight COVID-19. We can do this – join us by telling US leaders and the president-elect that it’s #TimeToAct.


Inspired to take action by these social media posts? Sign up for our email activist list and we’ll keep you posted on the latest in the movement for just climate solutions