Top Climate Experts to Follow on Twitter
We get this question a lot here at Climate Reality – “Who should I follow on Twitter for the latest climate and related sciences?”
We don’t blame you. We’re huge fans of Twitter to stay informed on climate news, science reports, and expert opinions. But with 261 million users and 6,000 tweets tweeted every second, it’s easy to get lost in the sea of information and lose sight of what’s really important.
>> Ten of the best tweets on climate change <<
But we’re happy to point you in the right direction – and by that we mean point you to our favorite climate experts to follow on Twitter.
We created a list of 15 people with exciting feeds on climate change. And we promise you’ll want to check out all of them, since we’ve included experts who work on different aspects of the climate crisis – from melting glaciers to climate justice.
We’ve highlighted some below – but don’t forget to read on for the full list!
Michael E. Mann
Twitter is never dull if you follow our friend and collaborator Dr. Michael E. Mann, director of Penn State’s Earth System Science Center and author of several books about climate change, including The Madhouse Effect (with cartoonist Tom Toles) and The Tantrum that Saved the World (a children’s book). You can count on him for smart commentary on the latest climate news and answers to questions from the public – both climate activists and …errr.. deniers.
Me too. What’s with that? https://t.co/SPlRjnMK22
— Michael E. Mann (@MichaelEMann) February 25, 2019
Dr. Ayana E. Johnson
Dr. Johnson fell in love with the ocean when she was just five years old during a family vacation in Key West. Her passion led her to become a PhD marine biologist and self-entitled “ocean policy nerd.” She’s now a lecturer on ocean conservation at New York University and the CEO of consultancy Ocean Collectiv. Follow her to understand the connection between the ocean, climate change, and climate justice – or as she puts it, #OceanJustice.
Woah! I’m in the @uofalibraries display featuring black scientists. #BlackHistoryMonth pic.twitter.com/dYA8wWTthi
— Dr. Ayana E. Johnson (@ayanaeliza) February 15, 2019
Katharine Hayhoe
This is the perfect account to follow if you want a little bit of everything climate related. Dr. Hayhoe is a well-known climate scientist and the director of Texas Tech University’s Climate Science Center. She covers it all on her Twitter feed – from the latest climate reports to the connection between climate and religion. As a bonus, she tweets whenever there’s a new episode of Global Weirding, the widely popular YouTube series she hosts.
— Katharine Hayhoe (@KHayhoe) February 2, 2019
Marshall Shepherd
Dr. Shepherd has some seriously impressive credentials. A former NASA scientist, he currently teaches atmospheric sciences and geography at the University of Georgia. He is the host of The Weather Channel’s podcast Weather Geeks, a Forbes contributor, and a guest on lots of TV shows discussing climate change. And we’re very proud to announce that he will be one of the experts at our upcoming 40th Climate Reality Leadership Corps training in Atlanta, that will focus on environmental justice. Follow him on Twitter for some climate myths debunking and unapologetic jabs at climate deniers.
Top contrarian tactics : 1. Bring up an irrelevant deflection question 2. Cite 1 study or person 3. Establish credential from a field not climate related 4. Bring up Ice Ages or that 1970s Newsweek article 5. Bring up natural cycles 6. Use no profile pic/less 20 followers Others?
— Marshall Shepherd (@DrShepherd2013) February 15, 2019
Here’s the full list * of our favorite experts to follow on Twitter with their bios (in no particular order, we love them all):
1. Michael E. Mann
Climate Scientist, Professor and Director of the Penn State ESSC; Author of Dire Predictions, The Hockey Stick & the Climate Wars, and The Madhouse Effect.
2. Dr. Ayana E. Johnson
Marine biologist, founder/CEO @OceanCollectiv, Brooklyn native. Madly in love with our planet and solutions for the climate crisis.
3. Marshall Shepherd
Atmospheric Sciences Professor, Fmr AMS Prez/NASA scientist, Host, Weather Geeks, Alpha, 3x FSU Alum, Forbes Contributor, Tweets just mine. RT not endorsement
4. Katharine Hayhoe
Not suspicious, just Canadian. Climate scientist, @TTUCSC director, poli sci prof, knitter, pastor's wife, mom. TIME100 + Fortune50. First in line for cloning.
5. Esther Ngumbi
University of Illinois @Urbana-Champaign, PhD Entomology, Activist, AAUWAlumna, FoodSecurity, OYESKAGREENS http://www.estherngumbi.com/http://www.fauluacademy.org/
6. Ed Hawkins
Climate scientist at University of Reading | Creator of climate spirals & warming stripes | IPCC AR6 Lead Author | Leads http://weatherrescue.org| Views own
7. Astrid Caldas
Climate Scientist @UCSUSA. Thirsty for knowledge and a broader understanding of all things climate change. Opinions and snarkiness are my own.
8. Daniel Gebregiorgis
Interested in the evolution of Earth's climate: past-present-future. Postdoc @GeorgiaStateU. From – 9°00'30.3N 38°47'45.2E
9. Cara Augustenborg
Environmental Scientist @UCDEnvPolicy Fellow; Chair @FoEEurope; Adviser @EPAIreland; #DownToEarth @IvanYatesNT @NewstalkFM @ClimateReality Leader
10. Prakash Kashwan
Prof. @UConn | @SPEAIUB PhD | Book: Democracy in the Woods http://tinyurl.com/jy2gmtu| Climate Governance & Justice; Env. Policy & Politics; Int. Development |
11. Kim Cobb
40% Climate Scientist, 40% Mom, and 20% Indiana Jones. Unapologetically obsessed with carbon. Director, http://globalchange.gatech.edu . She/her
12. Mark Brandon
Polar Oceanography Prof at the @OpenUniversity. Londoner. Proud to have worked with the BBC on #FrozenPlanet, #BluePlanet2 & others. Heart always in the ice
13. Dr. Jacquelyn Gill
Ice Age ecologist in a warming world. Professor @UMaine. Co-host of @ourwarmregards. Like Dana Scully, with mud and mammoths.
14. Antti Lipponen
Research scientist at Finnish Meteorological Institute (@IlmaTiede). #Satellite images, #aerosols, #climate, #remotesensing, #dataviz, etc. Opinions are my own.
15. Twila Moon
Cryosphere, climate, #scicomm. Scientist at National Snow and Ice Data Center, University of Colorado. Co-Founder/Co-Director of Wheelhouse Institute.
Make a Difference
We’re a long way from headaches and hangovers on January 1, but we’re asking everyone to make a (late) New Year’s resolution to act on climate in 2019. We promise it’s a resolution worth keeping, though. Make this the year you speak up and stand up for a sustainable future. Sign up today and we’ll check in with ways for you to take climate action, big and small, so you’ll keep your climate resolutions going all year long.
* The Climate Reality Project does not directly or indirectly communicate about, participate in, or intervene in any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate or party for elective public office. The views and opinions expressed by these social media accounts are the authors’ own and do not reflect the views or opinions of The Climate Reality Project, including any products or services which may be mentioned.