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We Resist, We Build, We Rise

We came together to make clear that we’re standing up for our environment and we’re not going away.


On April 29, hundreds of thousands of people from faith communities, indigenous nations, environmental organizations, and every group in between came together for People's Climate March events in Washington, DC and cities around the world. The message to the oil insiders and climate deniers in the government was simple and clear: This is our planet, and we won't just stand by and watch you pollute the air we breathe and the water we drink or destroy the climate we share.

We Resist

With Big Oil insiders in key positions working to roll back environmental protections on every level and a president and administration that won’t face the reality of the climate crisis, our challenge has never been greater.

The president has already signed an executive order starting the process of rolling back the Clean Power Plan, ending the coal moratorium allowing new coal mining leases on public lands, and rescinding the social cost of carbon. With similar orders coming down the line, we cannot afford to lose any more ground.

So we came together to make clear that we’re standing up for our environment and we’re not going away.

We Build

People from all walks of life came together at the People’s Climate March to make our demands clear: we need climate action now. Concerned citizens stood up for climate, justice, and jobs at sister marches in nearly all 50 states and international marches in countries from Uganda to the United Kingdom, Japan to Germany. It was a day of hope and proved support for climate solutions is truly global.

In Washington, DC, 200,000 climate activists – including Climate Reality supporters and former US Vice President Al Gore – marched from the Capitol building more than 20 blocks down Pennsylvania Avenue to circle the White House. Marchers then sat down in protest of the administration’s attacks on the climate in its first 100 days.

Participants created a heartbeat clap, tapping a rhythm on their chests while drummers kept time, to show that while march participants came from all corners of the world, their hearts beat as one. It was a heartbeat of resistance that began with the Women’s March in January and will continue through the People’s Climate March for the next four years.

We Rise

Now it's time to build on the success of the People's Climate March and keep the fight going in communities across the nation and around the world.


Join us for an upcoming Climate Reality Leadership Corps training and learn from former US Vice President Al Gore and renowned climate scientists and communicators about what’s happening to our planet and how you can use social media, powerful storytelling, and personal outreach to inspire audiences to take action. Give us three days. We’ll give you the tools to change the world. Learn more.