What the American Jobs Plan Means for Arizona
When you think of Arizona, you think of scenic desert landscapes and the iconic Grand Canyon.
You probably don’t think about the not-great C grade the state earned on its most recent Infrastructure Report Card from American Society of Civil Engineers. From its roads, dams, and levees to its aging drinking water and wastewater management systems, the state’s infrastructure is in dire need of widespread repair.
At the same time – Arizona, like much of the rest of the desert US Southwest, has unprecedented potential to reap the growing benefits of clean, limitless solar energy. In fact, as a state with some of the best solar resources, hardly any place is as well equipped for the renewable energy rush we need as Arizona.
Enter the American Jobs Plan, a far-reaching plan to reimagine and rebuild the US economy with more than $2 trillion in strategic investments over eight years.
The American Jobs Plan proposes a lot of big investments. In highways and bridges. In public transit and electric vehicle support. In efficient housing and weatherization. In clean energy and an updated grid. And so much more.
Here’s what all that means for the people of Arizona:
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