Why Are Students Walking out of School on Friday?
“The adults have failed us. And since most of them, including the press and the politicians, keep ignoring the situation, we must take action into our own hands.” - Greta Thunberg
When Greta Thunberg – then just 15 years old – walked out of class last August and sat in front of the Swedish Parliament on a self-described “school strike for the climate,” she probably didn’t imagine she was lighting a fire that would quickly catch and spread across the Earth.
But that’s exactly what happened. As her story began to spread and the world watched her speak truth to power at COP 24 and Davos, young people far beyond Stockholm began to organize and follow her example in a movement that became known as “Fridays for Future”.
Thousands of students walked out of school in Australia in November. Thousands more went on climate strike in the UK in February.
It didn’t stop there. Here in the US, three brave young women – Climate Reality Leader Haven Coleman, Isra Hirsi, and Alexandria Villasenor – went from striking on their own in shivering temperatures to organizing a national effort reaching 34 states.
All Together Now on March 15
On Friday, March 15, the Fridays for Future movement goes primetime in the biggest possible way.
That day, thousands and thousands of students all across the world – in over 1,050 locations in 89 countries at the time of writing – will walk out of school in the global School Strike 4 Climate, protesting global inaction on the climate crisis.
Simply put, young Millennials and Gen Z-ers have seen the adults who are supposed to be steering the planet hesitate, stumble, and make excuses on one of the issue that will shape their future, steering the planet right toward catastrophe.
They’ve had enough. And no wonder – it’s their future on the line. So if adults aren’t going to act on their own, young people will make them.
A Turning Point?
Already in the US, we’re seeing just how much motivated young activists can do. There’s the Sunrise Movement of young activists who were instrumental in making the Green New Deal a national talking point. Then there’s the Our Children’s Trust collection of young Climate Reality Leaders and other activists suing the federal government for failing to confront the climate crisis.
All that energy and all commitment isn’t going anywhere but forward.
If the buzz online is any indication, the global School Strike for Climate is going to be huge. If nothing else, it’s going to be the day when young people worldwide stand up as one and announce they’re here to fight for their future.
Stand with the School Strike
At Climate Reality, we’re beyond inspired by what’s happening. We want to show these young world-changers that people young and old are with them every step of the way.
After all, adults have a terrible habit of paying tribute to younger generations in Whitney Houston anthems, but not always taking them seriously in the decisions that matter.
It’s time to change that. Because when it comes to our climate and the world we give to future generations, young people have spoken.
Maybe adults should actually listen for a change.