Set up a fundraiser for Climate Reality
Go even further to protect our planet: Start a fundraising campaign for Climate Reality on Facebook.
We’re big fans of Facebook’s fundraisers. They’re easy to set up, transparent, donations made by your friends or family goes directly to helping fight the climate crisis.
1. Click on this link and select “Alliance for Climate Protection” (our registered name) as the nonprofit organization you would like to support. Next, choose a fundraising goal and an end date for your campaign.

2. Next, write a few words about why you're raising funds for such an important cause. Facebook will give you some sample content to share, but we recommend writing your own story instead. Let people know why you are dedicated to climate action. Personal details are especially effective for helping people decide to donate.
In addition to your personal story, you may want to share these quick stats that show Climate Reality’s impact, so your friends and family can see just how big a difference their gift can make:
- We’ve trained Climate Reality Leaders in communities around the world. We have set up international branches in 10 critical countries and regions around the Earth. Our shared vision is for a swift, systemic, and just transition toward net zero emissions by the middle of this century, with major steps toward that goal by 2030.

3. Now, pick a cover photo. Facebook will offer you a default option for this too, but it’s better to put your own personal touch on it if you can.

4. Finally, click “Create,” and celebrate – you just did something amazing to help protect our planet!
It really is that simple. But if you run into any issues, don’t worry – below are some FAQs with everything you need to know about how to start your very own fundraising campaign to support Climate Reality’s mission to catalyze a global solution to the climate crisis.
Q. When should I start and end my fundraiser?
A. For general campaigns, the date doesn't matter a great deal, but you'll want to give yourself at least a month to hit your goal! If you're setting up a fundraiser around your birthday, the best date to kick off your fundraiser is before the big day. That way you can share it while also generating excitement for your day. As for the end date, again, make sure to give yourself enough time to reach your goal, ideally around one month.
Q. What should be my fundraising goal?
A. We recommend any amount between USD $200 and USD $1,000. And no worries if you don’t reach your goal. We will still receive all the donations made during your campaign – and we’re very grateful for every dollar raised.
Q. What should my title be?
A. It can be whatever you like! Most successful ones are short and concise. We suggest something like “YOUR FIRST NAME’s Birthday Fundraiser” or “YOUR FIRST NAME’s Fundraiser to Combat the Climate Crisis.”
Q. How do I change the suggested photo?
A. The suggested photo defaults to the photo Climate Reality is using for our Facebook page header image. You can change it by scrolling down to “More Suggestions” or by manually uploading one of our suggested images by clicking “edit” on the bottom right of the suggested photo.
Q. How can I see my fundraising page? How do I edit my fundraising page once I’ve created it?
A. To find your Facebook fundraiser, go to the Fundraisers page. It should appear on the lefthand side. Click “edit fundraiser” to make any changes.
Q. What should I say to tell people about my fundraiser?
A. In your fundraiser description, don’t be afraid to share a personal story about why the climate crisis is important to you and why supporting Climate Reality is an important step to create a healthier future for all of us.
Also, make sure to let your Facebook friends know that you need their support! You can also find posts and images you can use to tell your friends below in our Resources section.
Q. How frequently should I tell my friends about my fundraiser?
A. Facebook does a great job at prompting you to post updates throughout your fundraiser. We recommend posting around three times during the course of your fundraiser to keep it top-of-mind for your friends and family and to share your progress.
Q. Can I delete my fundraiser?
A. You cannot delete it entirely, but you can end it manually before the deadline by navigating to your Facebook Fundraiser page, selecting “More” from the dropdown and then selecting “End Fundraiser.” Ending your fundraiser will prevent any further donations and invites. You can still view, share, and post in your fundraiser after it has ended.
Q. Where can I see the progress toward my goal?
A. When you view your Facebook Fundraising page, you will see your goal and a thermostat-style progress bar showing how much you have raised so far.
Q. Where can I see who has donated?
A. On your Facebook fundraising page, you will see numbers indicating the number of donors, number of people invited to donate to the fundraiser, and the number of people who have shared the link to the page. If you click on one of the numbers, you can view the people who have taken this action.
Q. What should I do if my fundraiser ends, but I haven’t hit my goal?
A. It’s ok! Climate Reality will still receive the donations you gathered – and we are very thankful for your work in spreading the truth about the climate crisis. Be sure to thank your friends and family who contributed.
Q. How does Climate Reality receive the donations?
A. If you create a fundraiser for Climate Reality, we will receive donations via the PayPal Giving Fund. You can get more details about this in Facebook’s Help Center.
Q. How do I find Climate Reality when I’m searching for nonprofit organizations?
A. Make sure you search “Alliance for Climate Protection” (our registered name) when choosing the organization you would like to support.
Q. Where do donations made through my online fundraising page go?
A. PayPal Giving Fund, a public charity (Federal Tax ID: 45-0931286), in partnership with PayPal, processes your donation so it can be granted to The Climate Reality Project. Thank you so much for your support!
Social Media Posts
Here are some sample posts you can copy and paste when you share your fundraiser page:
The countdown is on! Only [add days] until my birthday! Help me celebrate by donating to @ClimateReality, an organization that is tackling one of the greatest challenges of our time – climate change. {link to fundraiser}
- Did I mention that my birthday is coming up? And this year I’m shamelessly asking for gifts, but it’s for a great cause! Donate to my fundraiser for @ClimateReality and stand up for climate action across the globe. {link to fundraiser}
- Let the birthday celebrations begin! Make a donation to my fundraiser and help to support @ClimateReality, an organization that’s taking on the climate crisis – a cause that’s close to my heart. {link to fundraiser}
- The climate crisis is here, and we need to take action now. Please make a donation to my fundraiser and help to support @ClimateReality, an organization that’s taking on the climate crisis. Now, while we still have time: {link to fundraiser}
- Together, we can take bold climate action to address this crisis. But it’s going to take every single one of us. This is our moment, right now. Join me and Climate Reality today: {link to fundraiser}
- It's Giving Tuesday! Please make a donation to my fundraiser and help to support @ClimateReality, an organization that’s taking on the climate crisis. Now, while we still have time: {link to fundraiser}
You can use the draft emails below to share your Facebook fundraiser with friends and family. Bonus: you can use some of this language to also share your fundraiser with friends via Facebook messenger!
Option 1:
Hi {{Friend’s First Name}}! My birthday is coming up soon and this year I decided to donate by birthday to something very important to me: fighting the climate crisis.
Climate change is becoming more and more tangible every day – from hotter temperatures to stronger storms.
I want to see a world that shifts from dirty fossil fuels to affordable clean energy sources like wind and solar. Where the seven out of 10 Americans who see our climate changing and want our government to act are leading the way. And where scientific facts – not Big Polluter spin from oil and coal companies – inform our global policies.
Help me celebrate my birthday this year by donating to my Facebook fundraiser in support of The Climate Reality Project {insert link to fundraiser}. Climate Reality works to train the next generation of world-changing climate activists and leaders to fight the fossil fuel agenda and accelerate the clean energy revolution planet-wide.
But they need your help to keep up the good fight.
Thanks so much for your support this year!
{{Your First Name}}
Option 2:
Hi {{Friend’s First Name}}, I'm raising money for something very important to me: fighting the climate crisis.
Climate change is becoming more and more tangible every day – from hotter temperatures to stronger storms.
I want to see a world that shifts from dirty fossil fuels to affordable clean energy sources like wind and solar. Where the seven out of 10 Americans who see our climate changing and want our government to act are leading the way. And where scientific facts – not Big Polluter spin from oil and coal companies – inform our global policies.
Help me reach my goal of {Insert Dollar Amount} by donating to my Facebook fundraiser in support of The Climate Reality Project {Insert Fundraising Link}. Climate Reality works to train the next generation of world-changing climate activists and leaders to fight the fossil fuel agenda and accelerate the clean energy revolution planet-wide.
But they need your help to keep up the good fight.
Thanks so much for your support!
{{Your First Name}}