Grammenos Mastrojeni
Senior Deputy Secretary General, Union for the Mediterranean; Climate
Diplomat, professor, and writer, Grammenos Mastrojeni has pioneered research and action on the societal, geo-strategic, and economic impacts of environmental degradation. Until August 2019, he was coordinator for the environment and head of the Science-Policy Interface with Italian Development Cooperation, MFA head negotiator on water, lands, and oceans, and member of the delegations to UNFCCC and UNCBD. He has served as co-chair of the G7 Group on Climate and Fragility, chair of the UN Mountains Alliance, and co-chair of the Global Islands Partnership. Currently, Grammenos is senior deputy secretary general of the Union for the Mediterranean, in charge of energy and climate action. He is a professor of environment and geo-strategy at various think-tanks and universities, and member of various scientific boards.