The Failing Economics of Fracked Gas and Petrochemicals

From being billions and billions in debt to decreasing demand for its product, the petrochemical industry is a bad investment for communities all across the country.
These facilities turn fracked gas into plastics (not energy!) and – just as important – create more infrastructure to lock communities into fossil fuels. The industry wants you to think it’s a job-creating moneymaker, and a boon to struggling, often rural communities hoping to create good jobs and improve the lives of residents.
But nothing could be further from the truth.
The good news is that more and more communities see these plants for what they are: a wrong turn. Learn the truth about the financial instability of the petrochemical industry in our latest free fact sheet, Not Worth It: The Failing Economics of Fracked Gas and Petrochemicals.
The best possible future doesn’t need to include pipelines or benzene pollution or methane emissions. Turning away from fracked gas and petrochemicals will keep our communities healthy and lead to a sustainable economic future. Learn how today!