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Ken Berlin, President and CEO of The Climate Reality Project on the House Passage of HR1: “Government must work for us, not billion-dollar corporations.”


“Solving the enormous challenges facing our country requires a government run by and for the people. Climate Reality welcomes the House of Representatives’ passage of HR1, the For the People Act, a bill designed to put power back in the hands of Americans and curtail the influence of greedy corporations holding back solutions to our most urgent problems. 

“For too long, fossil fuels and other powerful industries have held a firm grip on our democratic process, while everyday Americans are turned away from the ballot box because of artificial barriers to voting access. HR1 is an important step forward to ensure everyone has an equal opportunity to make their voices heard, especially people of color who have been historically targeted by unfair, undemocratic voter suppression laws. 

“Government must work for us, not billion-dollar corporations and their bottom lines. We urge the Senate to properly consider this bill and make these commonsense, bipartisan reforms to protect and defend the foundations of our democracy.”