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Ken Berlin, President and CEO of the Climate Reality Project, on the American Jobs Plan: “Now is the time to act.”


“An unprecedented economic crisis calls for big and bold solutions, and President Biden’s infrastructure plan is a necessary step to revitalize our economy and rebuild better, stronger, more equitable communities. Not only are investments in green infrastructure long overdue, but with millions of Americans still out of work and the climate crisis already impacting our communities, now is the time to act.  

“From resilient power grids to robust public transit, decarbonizing the nation’s infrastructure is essential to address the climate crisis, create millions of jobs needed to rebuild our economy, and reduce the air and water pollution plaguing vulnerable, frontline communities around the nation. President Biden has rightly identified this moment as a once-in-a-generation opportunity that we cannot afford to squander. Our future depends upon it. 

“We know the climate crisis requires more ambitious action than ever before, and infrastructure is one of our greatest opportunities to deliver on the promise of this moment. Climate Reality urges Congress to build upon the administration’s vision to ensure we lay the foundations for a more sustainable, resilient, and equitable nation for generations to come.”