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National Coalition Launches Second National #PutSolarOnIt Day of Action

Thousands of People to Celebrate Solar Growth Across America


Boston, Cedar Rapids, Miami, Phoenix, San Francisco, Washington DC – June 19, 2015 – This Sunday, June 21 — the longest day of the year (and Father’s Day) —, thousands of Americans will participate in the Second Annual National #PutSolarOnIt Day of Action to elevate the growth in solar power across the nation. A national coalition of leading environmental organizations, politicians, and solar companies, came together to plan the second annual day of action.

Last year, on the First Annual National #PutSolarOnIt Day of Action, Americans hosted 65 events across the country and generated tens of thousands of Tweets to support #PutSolarOnIt, including from the official NBA Twitter handle. Notably, the Twitter account @NBA tweeted support. Given the overlap with Father’s Day this year, the coalition is encouraging people to spend time outdoors enjoying the sun with whomever they call “Dad,” host events, and spreadwhile spreading the buzz about solar online.

The coalition also launched a new website — — where people can sign up for free solar consultations, refer friends to go solar, read solar stories, and easily share the top solar facts and stats on social media.

Between January and April of this year, 82% of new electricity capacity installed in the United States was from renewable energy sources (solar, wind, and water).[1] The industry has installed more solar in the past two years than in the previous 38 years combined.[2] Now, with a new solar installation completed every 2.5 minutes in the U.S., solar jobs are growing at nearly twenty times the national average.[3] There are now approximately 180,000 jobs in the solar industry.[4] The cost of a solar PV panel has dropped over 80% since 2008 and is cost-competitive with other forms of energy in many states.

Solar energy is a win-win for the U.S. economy and environment. All across America, people are promoting solar this weekend and the push to #PutSolarOnIt.

Media Contacts:
Katie Ullmann, Director of Global Communications, Conergy - [email protected]
Colin Walsh, SVP of Marketing, Mosaic - [email protected]
The Climate Reality Project - [email protected]
Bret Fanshaw, Environment America - [email protected]