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Statement from Former Vice President Al Gore on the Passage of the Inflation Reduction Act


As the great American poet Wallace Stevens once wrote, “After the final no there comes a yes, and on that yes, the future world depends.” Today, the United States said yes to climate action, demonstrating long-term climate leadership that the world can depend on.

It took longer to reach this moment than many hoped or expected, but with the dedication of climate advocates in communities across the country, in the halls of the House and Senate, and in the White House, we have overcome one of our most persistent hurdles.

The same scientists and advocates whose perseverance led to today’s historic vote will be the first to tell you that there is much more work left to do. Indeed, as soon as it is signed into law, we must move deliberately to ensure that this legislation is not only fully implemented, but improved upon. We must continue to fight for stronger measures to reduce emissions, and we must push back against the expansion of fossil fuel infrastructure that is responsible for generations of environmental injustice across the country.

This is progress that underscores the importance of electing leaders who champion climate science instead of denying it. Let us embrace this moment as a tipping point for climate action – in America and around the world.
