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Statement from Ken Berlin, President and CEO of The Climate Reality Project, on the Build Back Better Act


“It’s a simple fact: we cannot ‘build back better’ unless the infrastructure legislation and budget package under consideration in Congress pass the climate test. That means meeting our national goals to cut US emissions at least in half within less than a decade and boldly addressing the crisis of climate and environmental injustice. 

“The Rhodium Group analysis shows that there is more than one way for the Build Back Better Act to move us towards our climate goals. Retaining robust clean energy tax credits, a National Climate Bank, and essential environmental justice provisions; increasing investment in weatherization assistance,  energy efficiency and conservation block grants; and developing new policies and programs to reward emissions reductions are all critical inclusions that can help this bill meet the necessary benchmarks for action.  

“Going into COP 26, we need a deal on the Build Back Better Act that meets our obligations to the Paris Agreement and inspires the rest of the world to make strong emission reduction commitments. Congress has a clear choice – it can either meet the moment and put us on track to address the climate crisis or it will be remembered for not acting decisively when it had the chance.”