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A statement from Kenneth Berlin, President and CEO of The Climate Reality Project, on the Final Clean Power Plan


“The final, strengthened Clean Power Plan comes at a critical time, not only for the United States, but also for the entire world. Across the globe, this commitment to cut emissions from power plants by nearly a third from 2005 levels will be seen as a crucial step toward fulfilling President Obama’s pledge to reduce our country’s greenhouse gas emissions 26-28 percent by 2025, which will set us on the path to achieving a strong emissions reductions agreement at the upcoming COP21 climate negotiations.”

“I would like to personally thank our tens of thousands of Climate Reality members and supporters who have submitted comments to the EPA, called their Senators, attended field hearings and marched in the streets in support of this work. Now it us up to all of us to replicate this success at home and abroad: we must continue to find ways to reduce emissions at every level and promote the widespread adoption of affordable, clean, renewable energy. And most important, we must demand that our leaders come away from the Paris climate negotiations with a strong commitment to reduce carbon emissions and put us on the path to a sustainable and prosperous future.”