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Statement on the Passage of Climate Legislation in Australian House of Representatives


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: October 12, 2011 

CONTACT: Eric Young, 703-217-6814, [email protected] 

Washington, D.C. -- Today, Australian lawmakers passed what would be the nation's first and the world's strongest price on the carbon pollution that is causing the global climate crisis. By a vote of 74-72, the House of Representatives passed legislation that would require Australia's largest polluters to pay a fee for the carbon pollution they emit.

This groundbreaking legislation will put Australia on the path to reduced pollution, reduced reliance on fossil fuels, and increased investment in renewable energy. It now goes to Australia's Senate for a vote.

Maggie L. Fox, President and CEO of The Climate Reality Project, issued the following statement:

"From droughts to rising seas to a threatened Great Barrier Reef, Australia is especially vulnerable to climate change. The overwhelming scientific consensus tells us the time for action is now. And today, Australia acted, setting an example for the world to follow. Despite the industry scare tactics and the baseless claims of science deniers, Australia's leaders have stood up for reality and taken an important step toward solving the climate crisis."