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Today the United States announced its intention to withdraw from the Paris Agreement, a historic pact to combat the climate crisis by reducing greenhouse gas emissions on a global scale. 195 nations signed the agreement, which, in November 2016, entered into force after passing the mandated threshold of at least 55 participating nations representing at least 55 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. Former US Vice President Al Gore and The Climate Reality Project have launched initiatives all over the world to build wide-ranging public support for climate action and inspired millions of people to rally behind this international effort. Ken Berlin, president and CEO of The Climate Reality Project, released the following statement on the recent developments regarding US commitments to the Paris Agreement.

“Today is a dark day for the millions of people around the world who have rallied around the noble and necessary goal of ending the climate crisis. The Trump Administration’s withdrawal from the Paris Agreement is selfish and shortsighted and sends a very clear message: the profits of the fossil fuel industry and the multimillion dollar bonuses afforded to their chief executives matter more than humanity’s shared future on the planet.

“The Paris Agreement is a testament to the broad international consensus on climate action. To its own detriment and the detriment of other nations, the US is giving up both its seat at the table and its leadership role in the world.

 “But we don’t need the president or the administration to do what is right.  The environmental community has always been guided by the moral imperative to protect the longevity and sustainability of the planet we call home, and the amazing progress we’ve made cannot and will not be bulldozed by one man sitting in the Oval Office. States, cities, towns, and businesses are moving forward at full speed on the transition to clean energy. Around the country, communities are making incredible emissions reductions and simultaneously proving that the administration’s position is archaic, isolated, and irrelevant. Despite this setback, we’ll continue to push forward and work to keep the promises we made to the world.

“As always I, along with the rest of The Climate Reality Project and the broader community of activists around the world stand ready for the hard work ahead. Solutions are out there, and for that reason, we have so much more reason to hope than despair. We will continue to channel that hope into meaningful action to end the climate crisis once and for all. That is our North Star, and we’ll keep organizing to create a clean energy economy that benefits all people.”