Rome Training Resources
JUNE 28–30, 2024
Training Resources
Climate Reality Resources
- The Climate Reality Project Overview
- Climate Reality Leadership Corps Agreement
- Climate Dictionary
- Climate Reality Equity Statement and Practices
- International Branch Program Overview
- The Climate Reality Project Europe Overview
- Climate Reality Italy Facebook Page
- Welcome to Reality Hub
- Reality Hub Tutorial Video
Speaker and Partner Resources
- 10 Key Trends on Climate in Italy
- Action Against Eni: ReCommon and Greenpeace
- Bfest
- Centro Documentazione Conflitti Ambientali
- CIRO Initiative from Italy4Climate
- Climate Cards
- Climate Emergency and Urban Resilience Initiative
- Climate Emergency Community Guidelines
- Climate Emergency Workshop with Municipality 4: What Is a Renewable Energy Community?
- Climate Justice Living Lab
- Design Tools for Circular Economies
- Environmental Justice Atlas
- First Climate and Environmental Change Report in the Mediterranean
- ECCO Foreign Policy Archives
- ECCO Mediterranean Programme Archives
- Garbage Patch State Video
- Giudizio Universale Campagna di informazione e pressione istitituzionale entro cui è stata promossa la prima climate litigation italiana contro lo Stato
- Global Coal Exit List
- Global Oil & Gas Exit List
- Green Energy Storage
- Heros Never Sleep
- ICLEI: Policy and Advocacy
- Inerzia al potere - Gli obblighi climatici e la negligenza dello Stato italiano
- Investing in Climate Chaos
- Italy4Climate
- La decarbonizzazione secondo ENI - parte 1 - CCS
- La decarbonizzazione secondo ENI - parte 2 - Biocarburanti
- Laudato Si Animators Training
- Local Green Deals: A Governance Innovation to Accelerate the Twin Transition
- Making Cities Resilient 2030
- Mappa Sentinelle Climatiche - Mappatura Partecipata impatti climatici
- Media and climate crisis: Greenpeace Italy's periodic monitoring of newspapers and television news
- NetZeroCities for Bergamo
- Osservatorio ENI - Campagna permanente sulle attività della multinazionale Oil&Gas
- PNAS Scientific Journal Article on Agriculture and Emissions Reductions
- Rethinking Climate Podcast
- Rise Up Community Training
- Season of Creation - Laudato Si Fall Event
- Stampla Libera per il Clima
- Stati Generali dell'Azione per il Clima
- Still Banking on Coal
- Ted Talk by Giovanni Ludovico Montagnani
- The Just Cause Campaign
- The Porto Protocol: Living Vineyards
- The Porto Protocol: Our Solutions
- The Porto Protocol YouTube Channel
- Voci per il Clima
- WEF Global Shapers Community Introduction video
- WEF Global Shapers Impact Report 2022-2023