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2021 Annual Report




At The Climate Reality Project, our mission is to catalyze a global solution to the climate crisis by making urgent action a necessity across every sector of society.

We give people the tools, training, and network to pull on the levers of power to help stop rising temperatures and build a better, more just future for everyone with clean energy.

This is the story of that work in 2021. A year when the scientists of the IPCC reminded us of the catastrophe just ahead if we don’t act, a threat nature underscored with hurricanes tearing through the Southeastern US, disappearing glaciers in the Himalayas, and more.

But just as important, it’s the story of millions around the world taking charge of their tomorrow and standing up to protect the precious planet we share. Most of all, it’s a story that’s only possible thanks to friends and supporters like you. We are beyond grateful.


Dear Friends,

If the history of our movement teaches us anything, it is that progress rarely moves in a straight line. Instead, it zigs and zags – at times moving us two steps forward, and at others, leading one step backward. We will only achieve lasting change by refusing to let setbacks turn into defeat. What matters is that we fight on.

After four years playing defense in the U.S. to a hostile administration that did the bidding of the fossil fuel industry, in 2021, a new president and Congress opened the door to renewed climate leadership.

With a new administration in place and a majority (albeit narrow) in Congress favorable to taking action on the climate crisis, the prospect of historic climate legislation beckoned. On the international stage, America’s indispensable leadership was reinvigorated as we reentered the Paris Agreement and increased the ambition of our pledge to reduce emissions, bringing a sense of hope and possibility to COP 26 negotiations.

These developments, of course, coincided with IPCC’s most dire warning yet about the consequences of unabated emissions. Likewise, we faced another year of worsening impacts, as lethal heatwaves, melting glaciers, punishing hurricanes and more continued to wreak havoc around the world.

So, at Climate Reality, we did what we always do. We got to work.

In this report, you’ll learn more about how we rose to meet this critical moment. At Climate Reality, we know that we have all the tools we need to solve the climate crisis in our hands today and that the opportunities to embrace climate action for a better future are everywhere. So, in 2021, we trained nearly 11,000 new Climate Reality Leaders, further expanding our global community of activists working worldwide to solve the climate crisis.

We have mobilized this robust and engaged community to advocate for bold action in as many ways as possible – whether working in their neighborhoods, their businesses, or with their governments.

For some, this meant meeting with local, regional, and national legislators to express support for ambitious climate laws. For others, it meant pushing leaders for bolder commitments at COP 26. Some leaders organized their neighbors to rally to stop fossil fuel projects that threatened their community’s land, air, and water. Others started or became active in sustainability programs at their companies.

Of course, climate progress last year did not move in a straight line. Climate legislation stalled in the U.S. Senate. The final agreement at COP 26 was a big step forward, signaling the beginning of the end of coal, but it was not the breakthrough some had hoped for.

These were setbacks, yes. But defeats, no. We zigged. We zagged. We kept fighting and laid the necessary groundwork for the truly historic progress we’ve seen in the U.S. and in other countries in 2022. What I saw in 2021 was a movement getting stronger and stronger. A movement that I believe can and will stop the rising temperatures that threaten everything we love.

We have work to do, yes. But what an honor and a privilege it is to work alongside friends like you and the activists detailed in this report to take on the greatest challenge of our lifetime and – together – build a future to be proud of.

Al Gore
Founder & Chairman


In 2006, former Vice President Al Gore invited 50 people to his barn in Tennessee to learn how to talk to their friends and neighbors about the climate crisis and work together for solutions. It was the start of what would become The Climate Reality Project and the Climate Reality Leadership Corps. The rest, as they say, is history.


We focus on three strategic goals that enable change through grassroots activists and open the door to a sustainable and just future for all of us.

Goal 1:

Build a critical mass of public support for addressing climate change


We drive change from the ground up by growing the climate movement with super- activists.

Highly motivated and vocal activists can play an outsized role in shaping policy at the highest levels, both in the US and around the world. That’s why we work to build a critical mass of super-activists with the numbers, know-how, and passion to make climate the driving force in politics in the US and key nations around the world.



The story of the Climate Reality Leadership Corps is the story of an idea that everyday people could lead the fight on climate change and together change the world.

That idea brought some 50 aspiring activists to a Nashville barn back in 2006 to learn the science and strategies former Vice President Al Gore used to inspire millions with the film “An Inconvenient Truth.”

Fifteen years later, the Climate Reality Leadership Corps has become the preeminent climate activist training program. People of all ages and across the globe attend with a burning desire to make a real difference on climate. We give them the tools, training, and network to do it.

2021 was our biggest year yet. With a host of potential policy breakthroughs on the horizon, we held three major online events that together trained a stunning 10,998 new Climate Reality Leaders and built our global community to over 42,000 changemakers from 188 countries.

US States and Six US Territories Represented
Climate Reality
Leaders Trained
Acts of Leadership
Climate Reality Leaders

Climate Reality Leadership Corps total numbers as December 31, 2021.

US Training

April 24-May 2


Poll after poll shows that clear majorities of Americans back strong federal action on climate. In 2021, with a new White House and Congress taking office, we saw the opportunity to turn that support into breakthrough legislation. What we needed was a clear groundswell of support to make climate the issue no member of Congress could ignore.

With the 2021 Climate Reality Leadership Corps US Training, we set out to seize the moment. Our goal was to help strengthen and diversify the US climate movement, recruiting communities beyond the traditional green core and helping activists build legislator contact and other key advocacy skills to turn possibility into legislation.

  • Thematic focus on climate justice, energy transition, extreme weather, and political advocacy in a US context.
  • 17 key states for climate action targeted for recruitment.
  • 31% BIPOC and 22% youth (25 and under) attendees.

"Thank you so much for making this free and virtual. I've wanted to participate for many years and was finally able to do so. I am grateful for your efforts to build a large network and it feels apparent that you're actively working to center JEDI (justice, equity, diversity, inclusion) - keep it up, keep expanding on that, thank you again!"

- 37-year-old attendee

Latin America Training

July 10-18


Encompassing some 20 million square kilometers, Latin America and the Caribbean is home to an incredible range of communities and landscapes as well some of the greatest biodiversity and largest forests in the world. More and more, these natural and cultural treasures face growing threats from climate change as glaciers melt and drinking water disappears, extreme storms flood neighborhoods, and never-ending droughts threaten millions.

But there is cause for hope. Land defenders across the region are increasingly fighting to protect its biodiversity from rampant development. Advocates and governments in Costa Rica, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, and beyond are embracing clean energy and other climate solutions. Our second training of the year explored both the threats and opportunities facing Latin America, helping advocates build the skills to push leaders to move forward with low-carbon pathways and build a better future at a critical time.

  • Thematic focus on low-carbon pathways, climate justice, biodiversity, Indigenous rights, and forest preservation issues critical for Latin American activists.
  • Training conducted primarily in Spanish.
  • 90% of attendees from Latin America.
  • 36% youth attendees (25 and under).

"Perspective is invaluable and I am so thankful to have heard from scientists, Earth defenders, community organizers, farmers, and so much more on their point of view and personal experiences connected to climate change."

-18-year-old female attendee

Global Training

October 16-24


Held just months after a harrowing IPCC report detailing the climate devastation unfolding worldwide, the UN's COP 26 climate conference in Glasgow was a chance for leaders to respond and increase their commitments to emissions reduction and energy transition.

Seeing COP 26 approaching, we designed our final training of the year to not only help activists worldwide deepen their understanding of the climate crisis and the solutions in our hands, but also build unrelenting pressure on leaders to act bravely and boldly in Glasgow.

  • Thematic focus on international cooperation in the lead up to COP 26, climate justice, community organizing and grassroots activism, digital communications, and energy transition issues key to global activism.
  • New 10-minute Lightning Talks (modeled on TED Talks) highlighted activists leading innovative community-based solutions around the world.
  • Strongest focus on climate justice and intersectional activism to date.
  • Largest digital training yet, with 5,248 new Climate Reality Leaders.

"I hadn't thought about social justice in the context of the environmental crisis; now I do."

- 79-year-old male attendee







Climate Justice for All

Now in its second year, Climate Justice for All (CJA) provides financial support and professional assistance to help dynamic community-led organizations tackle environmental justice fights across the US.

In 2021, we expanded the program to offer 10 organizations an average grant of $20,000 each. Critically, these relationships go beyond financial awards, with CJA grantees working with Climate Reality staff and drawing on our wide-ranging resources and expertise to build skills and capacity for success long after the grant ends. Many of our 2020 grantees have also become partners in sessions during Climate Reality Leadership Corps trainings, sharing their firsthand experience and expertise in tackling environmental justice issues and helping new activists prepare for challenges ahead.

In addition, 40% of grantees have used their work with Climate Reality as a springboard to help secure additional funding from other sources to continue their work after our grant ends.

Climate Justice for All - 2021 Grantees

Key Achievements

  • The Gullah Geechee Chamber Foundation expanded outreach to underserved coastal communities in South Carolina on climate impacts and trained individuals to successfully advocate for Indigenous and community-based solutions. Grant funds also helped the Foundation share its expertise with other organizations and activists in numerous conferences.
  • The Louisiana League of Conscious Voters educated East New Orleans residents on toxic pollution from facilities in their community and how to effectively advocate for cleaner water.
  • The Junior Green Corps worked with local teenagers to clean up vacant lots to create urban production gardens in the predominantly Black Homewood neighborhood of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Thanks to their efforts, activists harvested 186 pounds of produce in just six weeks to feed Homewood residents.
In Total Grants

Photo: 2021 CJA Grantee One Love Global, through its Freedom Summer Youth Organizing School, hosts an in-person field trip to Moores Park, Michigan to discuss the importance of access to green infrastructure.



Climate Reality chapters act as movement nerve centers for activists across the US, connecting trained Climate Reality Leaders and community advocates in the push for just climate solutions at every level.

What defines a chapter? For starters, local volunteer leadership. Climate Reality Leaders in each chapter identify priority challenges and opportunities and work with other advocates to develop the most effective campaign to achieve their objectives.

At the federal level, chapters also often work in partnership with our central office to help execute larger campaigns throughout the nation, building pressure on Congress from all directions, or joining forces with community organizations of all sizes to expand clean energy solutions across the country.

In addition to our 102 community-based chapters, an additional 25 Campus Corps chapters at colleges and universities are mobilizing and training the next generation of young leaders to raise awareness of the climate crisis and inspire their friends and classmates to act.

Select Chapter Victories in 2021

  • Baltimore, Maryland: Chapter members and partners pushed the state legislature to reduce air pollution and replace coal with renewables.
  • Rutgers University: Students partnered with a range of student groups to successfully pressure the university to divest from fossil fuels.
  • Chicago Metro: Chapter members joined advocates from more than 200 organizations in the Illinois Clean Job Coalition, educating and organizing communities and lobbying their representatives to help successfully pass the historic Climate and Equitable Jobs Act.
Chapters Nationwide
States + Puerto Rico and Washington, DC
Active Members

Climate Speakers Network

People trust the voices they know. The Climate Speakers Network (CSN) trains community and faith leaders to act as trusted messengers to their constituents and congregations on the climate crisis and solutions. Through these partnerships, we're building a more diverse, inclusive and powerful movement.

Building a Better Movement in 2021

  • Partnered with PowerShift Network for its biannual Convergence in March, leading sessions on relationship building and for Historically Black College or University students to discuss green issues, advocacy, and future careers.
  • Collaborated with the Center for Earth Ethics to both recruit 50 faith leaders for the virtual US Climate Reality Leadership Corps Training in March and develop special programming and sessions on religious and climate issues.
  • Held weekly digital multi-faith climate cafes with presentations and discussions to build a stronger community of activists.
  • Appeared at Hazon's annual Seal Summit for Jewish activists, leading workshops on storytelling and using faith to drive action.

Global Shapers

Working in partnership with Climate Reality Board Member Rosamund Zander and the World Economic Forum's Global Shapers Community, we train and support the next generation of dynamic young activists to lead the fight for sustainable solutions across the planet.

Through this partnership, 152 Global Shapers from 42 countries successfully trained as Climate Reality Leaders, gaining the skills and an even broader network to turn ideas into reality. Their impact was immediately apparent at COP 26, where over 40 participated as panelists, moderators, keynote speakers, and activists throughout the two-week conference.

In addition, Climate Reality supported Shapers in developing new ideas and launching projects with hubs across the planet in 2021.

Shapers trained as Climate Reality Leaders
Shapers Reached by Climate Reality Programs and Trainings
Communities Worldwide Launched Climate Reality-Trained Shapers Projects
Shaper Hubs Worldwide with Active Climate Reality-Trained Shapers
Countries Worldwide with Climate Reality-Trained Shapers Working for Climate Solutions

Climate Reality's work alongside the World Economic Forum's Global Shapers is made possible by the support and partnership of Climate Reality Board Member Rosamund Zander.


Global Shapers: Young Leaders in Action in 2021

Climate Reality Project Incubator

From May to June, more than 100 Shapers worldwide divided into 19 teams worked with Climate Reality to research local climate issues and design innovative and high-impact plans to address them. Three teams - in Ho, Ghana; Thimpu, Ghana; and Auckland, New Zealand - received $10,000 to turn their plans into reality.

  • Ho, Ghana: Clean Charcoal - Providing residents with a smokeless alternative to charcoal for cooking - coconut husks - and protecting local forests from being cut for fuel.
  • Thimpu, Bhutan: Bhutan Climate Futures Lab - Training teachers as climate educators and empowering young people to help shape climate policy at every level.
  • Auckland, New Zealand: City Restorative and Regenerative Framework - Developing a new model of city planning incorporating Indigenous and Pasifika ways of thinking to help the city stay within planetary boundaries and be resilient to climate challenges.

Youth Climate Action Challenge

Co-designed by 10 Shapers from around the globe, this challenge invited young people worldwide to create innovative new approaches to climate solutions. In 2022, we'll select 10 solutions from the incredible 108 applications received, with winners joining Climate Reality and World Economic Forum staff for six months of capacity-building and mentoring support to help turn their vision into reality.

The Global Shapers Climate Project Challenge

Building on the success of the incubator above, we challenged the Global Shaper Community to develop new approaches to climate action. Launched on Youth Day at COP 26, the challenge offers $12,000 to winning hubs to bring a prototype or proof of concept for forward-thinking climate solutions to scale. We'll continue working with winning hubs through 2022, providing mentoring, support, and help with building capacity to make their ideas grow.

Goal 2:

Accelerate a Just Transition to a Clean Energy Economy



At Climate Reality, we believe a just transition to clean energy can not only stop rising temperatures, but also create millions of good jobs, bring clean air and real opportunity to frontline communities, and open the door to a more healthy and equitable future for all.

That's why in 2021, our advocates and chapters worked with partners across the climate community and beyond to both stop the dangerous spread of pipelines and fossil fuel facilities poisoning families across the US and push for the breakthrough legislation and clean energy commitments we need to build a sustainable and just tomorrow.


Our Climate Moment: Let’s Get To Work™

It was the moment we've been working for. With a new administration and US Congress taking office in January 2021, major climate legislation became a possibility for the first time in years.

It was a chance we couldn't afford to miss. In response, we launched the Our Climate Moment campaign to galvanize support for climate action and create 360-degree unrelenting pressure on members of Congress to seize the moment.

Our first step was to go directly to the halls of power, holding a briefing for 149 congressional staffers and 10 members of Congress in April. The event featured Vice President Gore and his signature slideshow as well as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Rep. Kathy Castor (FL14, Chair, Select Committee on the Climate Crisis) speaking to emphasize the urgency of the moment we find ourselves in.

Next, we activated our chapters to raise awareness of climate impacts and the opportunity for action by regularly meeting with and pressuring their members of Congress to act.



American Jobs Week Fly-In

In June, we joined with partners and allies in holding a virtual fly-in during American Jobs Week (June 21-25). During this time, 55 Climate Reality chapters held 75 meetings with 61 offices to encourage support for strong climate action in what was then the Build Back Better agenda.

September Fly-In

With Congressional budget reconciliation negotiations seemingly stalled, we brought our activists back for a second week of meetings with members of Congress. Critically, our chapters held 48 meetings with 47 Congressional offices, including key Senators such as Arizona’s Krysten Sinema.

Just hours after the Arizona Our Climate Moment team met with Sen. Sinema’s office, her first public comments in support of climate action in the Build Back Better Act were published in the Arizona Republic: “We know that a changing climate costs Arizonans. And right now, we have the opportunity to pass smart policies to address it — looking forward to that.”

Climate Action Now App

With awareness of the crisis growing in a summer where nearly one in three Americans experienced a weather or climate disaster, we sought to turn awareness into regular action to push for just solutions.

In 2021, we launched the Climate Action Now app – developed by a Climate Reality Leader – to make climate activism easy, fun, educational, and even addictive, by offering thousands of actions for people to take directly on their smartphones. We helped advise, test, and pilot the app, and continually populate it with timely actions. In just a few short months, we generated 85,000 climate actions through the app.

Mobilizing to Make a Difference

Policymakers react to their constituents. In 2021, our US activists and supporters took 375,000 actions to urge Congress, the White House, and federal agencies to seize this moment and enact historic climate legislation and policies.

  • 100 Days: Calling on the new president and Congress to make climate action a priority for the first 100 days of the administration: 42,160 actions.
  • HR1: Calling on Congress to enact ambitious voting rights legislation: 19,337 actions.
  • No Climate, No Deal: Calling on Congress to make climate a top priority in budget reconciliation bills: 54,107 actions.

Fighting for Climate Justice

Rising temperatures and injustice go hand in hand. We work to raise awareness of the inextricable connections between systemic racism, fossil fuel pollution, and climate impacts that disproportionately impact poor families and people of color hardest.

To do it, we partner with allies and grassroots organizations across the environmental justice community to share their stories with our millions of followers, building understanding and growing demand for a truly just transition for all.

We also committed to center climate justice in our activist training programs, developing justice-focused modules for all three digital trainings to connect the dots for new activists and help build a stronger movement focused on justice.

Along with our work training new activists, we also launched a program of lunch and learns, webinars, and small group meetings with existing Climate Reality Leaders to help them make critical connections and incorporate demands for climate justice into their work. In addition, we developed an extensive resource library on our online portal Reality Hub to support this effort.

We're proud to say it's working. In 2021, 116 Climate Reality chapter campaigns (60%) focused on climate and environmental justice issues.



Fighting Fossil Fuels

Developers site petrochemical plants and pipelines in lower-income neighborhoods and communities of color they believe are the path of least resistance. The result: families who never wanted the projects are left to breathe dirty air and drink polluted water while developers rake in the profits.

We aim to change the calculus. In 2021, we joined with community partners to pick a series of symbolic fights in Tennessee, Anishinaabe treaty land in Minnesota, Washington State, and the Ohio River Valley that could highlight the moral stakes and elevate these battles to national attention.

Byhalia Pipeline

Proposed by Plains All American, the 49-mile Byhalia Pipeline would run from Southwest Memphis to an export terminal in Mississippi. Not only would the pipeline cut through historically Black communities like Boxtown in Memphis that were opposed to the project, but it would also cross the Memphis Sand Aquifer that provides fresh water to the city and expose residents to the danger of leaks and contamination.

In response, our Memphis and Nashville chapters joined with the Memphis Community Against Pollution (MCAP) and other organizations to raise awareness of the threat and rally community opposition. Vice President Gore joined a rally in March, helping bring media attention to the issue in local and national outlets like CNN. After chapter and local activists pressured the city council to reject the project, the developer announced it would cancel the pipeline in May 2021.

Fighting Petrochemicals in the Ohio River Valley

For years, Climate Reality chapters working with the People Over Petro coalition in the Ohio River Valley have fought to educate and organize communities to combat the health threats of natural gas and petrochemical facilities.

These efforts played key roles in two major wins in 2021. First, an investment decision on the PTTGC petrochemical plant proposed for Diles Bottom, Ohio was indefinitely delayed, shelving the project for the foreseeable future. Second, after months of advocates filing comments, attending public meetings, and more, fracking was officially banned in the Delaware River Basin.

Working in tandem with these on-the ground partnerships, our social, email, and other digital outreach raised the alarm on the dangers of petrochemical expansion to our millions of followers and subscribers and helped secure 20,901 signatures on a petition to stop new facilities in the Ohio River Valley.

Climate Reality’s work in the Ohio River Valley is made possible thanks to the support and partnership of the Heinz Endowments.



Our 100% Committed campaign works with US chapter activists to encourage cities, companies, communities, and colleges to leave fossil fuels behind and transition to 100% clean energy by 2030.

Over the past five years, the campaign has played a critical role in helping over 170 municipalities, universities, and businesses commit to transitioning to a clean energy future.

A total of 29 chapters are currently running 100% Committed campaigns. Recently, our Massachusetts Southcoast chapter has taken on the campaign with great success, building a groundswell of local support by securing 11 commitments in under a year. Meanwhile, our Northern Virginia chapter launched its first 100% Committed campaign in July, and already secured its first commitment from a local business.

Goal 3:

Strengthen National Commitments to Emissions Reduction in Key Countries and Regions



Back in December 2015, nearly 200 countries and parties made history by putting their differences aside and together signing the Paris Agreement to stop global warming.

For billions, the agreement signals that for all our imperfections and disagreements, we will come together as one planet to tackle the greatest threat to our collective future.

Since 2015, we've worked to push nations to increase their commitments to climate action and turn them into the practical policies that can rapidly slash emissions and build a better future.

With UN timelines calling for nations to submit more ambitious NDC pledges in the face of rapid warming, we worked to build the popular support to enable leaders to go further and faster in reducing emissions. While we can't celebrate unqualified success, our activists in global branches and media initiatives like 24 Hours of Reality helped build a groundswell of demand for aggressive climate action that pushed justice to the top of the climate agenda, a commitment to end fossil fuel investments abroad, and formally call out the need to leave most coal power behind.

These are victories we will build on in the years ahead.


24 Hours of Reality

Launched in 2011, 24 Hours of Reality has become an annual rallying cry for the global climate movement, uniting people worldwide in taking action and setting an agenda for the year ahead.

In 2021, in reaction to the IPCC’s latest report charting the extraordinary danger rising temperatures pose, we brought activists together to speak with one voice and demand real action at COP 26 with our global day of action, 24 Hours of Reality: Let’s Get Real.

For 24 hours, all across the planet, people took to social media to share messages and post videos calling on world leaders to seize the day and go big at COP 26. Many also took action in their countries and communities to push local and national leaders to act. Together, they made sure the message came through loud and clear.

Social posts using the #LetsGetReal hashtag received a staggering 105 million impressions in a single day. And it didn’t end there, people worldwide continued to use the hashtag to share videos and posts calling on leaders to make real commitments to action at COP 26 in the weeks that followed 24 Hours of Reality.


Global Branches

Our branch programs in 11 pivotal regions and countries outside the US mobilize our 24,051 global Climate Reality Leaders to push national governments to continuously strengthen their NDCs and commit to policies and targets that can hold global warming to 1.5 degrees.

Each country offers its own unique set of challenges and opportunities. Branch staff and activists in each location leverage local knowledge and cultural expertise to engage communities and target or partner with the sector(s) that can most effectively move both public opinion and government positions.

Our branches train teachers and state legislators, educate reporters and media outlets, partner with policymakers to shape energy plans and budgets, and more.

In 2021, we worked to bring demands for stronger NDCs to government leaders from the particular voices and constituencies they are most attuned to and secured key wins and thereby built momentum for action at COP 26.

Selected Global Accomplishments

  • African Climate Reality Project staff trained activists to pressure the African Development Bank and other development finance institutions to increase transparency and shift to 100% renewable energy in their power lending portfolios.
  • Climate Reality Project América Latina launched Operación COP to train young activists on the COP process and prepare them to participate in future conferences. The program trained nearly 200 activists from Mexico, Costa Rica, Columbia, and Honduras, and brought 34 youth ambassadors to COP 26 to add their voice to negotiations.
  • The Climate Reality Project Philippines staff and Climate Reality Leaders provided recommendations for the latest draft of the country's NDC submitted to the president in February.
  • The Climate Reality Project Brasil staff working with young Climate Reality Leaders developed a manifesto calling for climate education in Brazilian schools. Leaders presented the manifesto at COP 26, met with 12 state governments, and secured thousands of signatures in support, ultimately leading Rio de Janeiro to introduce first-of-its-kind climate education legislation.
  • The Climate Reality Project India and South Asia Trained nearly 2,600 teachers and 50 school principals on best practices for implementing climate change education within their curriculums and schools.

Please see global programs appendix for more detail on all Climate Reality branch activities.

Thank You

We're proud of everything we did in 2021 to build a truly inclusive and powerful movement to win. And we're deeply grateful to all the friends and supporters like you who made it possible.

Without you standing with us, we wouldn't have built the Climate Reality Leadership Corps to over 42,000 activists fighting worldwide for change. Without your support we wouldn't have been able to pressure Congress to finally pass the breakthrough legislation our planet needs, an effort we believe will still bear fruit in 2022. Without you, activists across the planet wouldn't have had the training and resources to pull on the levers of power and drive real change across continents.

Thank you. It's no overstatement to say that we simply could not do this vital work without you. Momentum is with us and we say with confidence, with our founder, that we know we must solve this crisis. We know we can. And thanks to friends like you, we know we will.

Appendix: Global Highlights

  • 1,622 Trained Climate Reality Leaders.
  • Held numerous in-person and online workshops training activists through the Zero Emissions/Omissions campaign to pressure the African Development Bank and other development finance institutions to increase transparency and shift to 100% renewable energy in their power lending portfolios.
  • 2,442 Trained Climate Reality Leaders
  • Partnered with Sports Environment Alliance to deliver a climate presentation for state government professionals focused on themes of organizational infrastructure for resilience, energy efficiency, and creative adaptation and mitigation.
  • Partnered with Melbourne Business School to develop a training for C-Suite executives and senior managers of some of the region’s largest corporations.
  • Launched a pilot program training 70 of National Australia Bank’s senior bankers on implications of climate risk and outlining pathways in working their largest-emitting customers to develop or improve their low carbon transition plans.
  • 1,724 Trained Climate Reality Leaders
  • Ran Virtual Climate Learning Journeys climate education program teaching over 500 participants about the basics of climate change, biodiversity, emissions inventories, and carbon markets as preparation to run programs in their communities.
  • Helped organize a seminar “Building Interconnected Solutions” to bring together sub-national governments from 11 states and advance actions on renewable energy and just transition.
  • Secured over 3,400 signatures for the branch's Climate Education Manifesto and held meetings to advocate for its recommendations with 12 state governments. Youth Leaders presented the manifesto at COP 26 and legislation based on its recommendations has been introduced in Rio de Janeiro.
  • 1,649 Trained Climate Reality Leaders
  • Launched the National Climate League standings for 2020, based on community reporting on indicators toward GHG mitigation and sustainability. The downloadable standings have become a critical lobbying tool for activists to move their municipalities to net-zero emissions.
  • Organized The Climate Dialogues, with two weeks of 40 cross-sectoral and cross-generational virtual events parallel to COP 26 working mobilizing Quebec to raise climate ambition, and more.
    964 Trained Climate Reality Leaders
  • Partner staff worked with Chinese media giant Phoenix TV to broadest the 2020 Climate Forum featuring Vice President Gore, reaching a potential 27 million viewers globally. As of June 2021, a total of 618 pieces of related content have been published.
  • Translated and published Climate Reality videos, blogs, and other content to raise awareness of climate solutions for Chinese audiences, drawing nearly 20 million views on TikTok, Kwai, and other social media channels.
  • Co-hosted the first China Climate Action Week with Phoenix TV and WWF China to mobilize private sector and individual support for climate action at COP 26.
    3,792 Trained Climate Reality Leaders
  • Advised on the draft Kyiv EcoStrategy 2030 and submitted proposals for public consultation and consideration by the Kyiv Parliament.
  • Climate Reality Leaders in Poland developed just transition goals and worked to promote them by participating in national and regional parliamentary debates, publishing articles, and partnering with other organizations.
  • Collected just transition stories from around the world to showcase at COP 26 and build pressure on world leaders.
  • Organized 38 events around COP 26 over the two weeks of the conference, with support from 130 Climate Reality Leaders and attracting such high-profile visitor as Richard Lochhead, Scottish Minister for Just Transition. Following the event, he invited Climate Reality Leader and just transition expert Erik Daljhuisen to join regular discussions on the local just transition process.
  • 1,326 Trained Climate Reality Leaders
  • Partnered with Jaipur Global Shapers Hub to organize a 21 Days of Green Living Challenge, wherein 231 registrants took nearly 600 sustainable living actions at home.
  • Trained nearly 2,600 teachers and 50 school principals on best practices for implementing climate change education within their curriculums and schools.
  • Organized a Digital Biodiversity Bootcamp in partnership with the leading environment magazine Sanctuary Asia. 130 entered to learn and share about biodiversity and conservation.
  • 1,036 Trained Climate Reality Leaders
  • Helped develop the UN Food Systems Summit, along with an independent dialogue as part of the event
  • Hosted multiple model and simulated COP 26 programs for 240 college students to prepare a new generation of young leaders to help shape future negotiations.
  • 5,644 Trained Climate Reality Leaders
  • Worked with media partners Eureka to train journalists to share the truth about climate change and build momentum for solutions, leading to the publication of 36 articles that reached nearly 1 million people.
  • Launched Operación COP program to train young activists on the COP process and prepare them to participate in future conferences. The program trained nearly 200 activists from Mexico, Costa Rica, Columbia, and Honduras, and brought 34 youth ambassadors to COP 26 to add their voice to negotiations.
  • Worked as a correspondent for two major media outlets in Mexico during COP 26 and held interviews with 11 international outlets focused on the importance of citizen engagement in international decision-making and reaching a potential audience over of 5.9 million people.
  • 1,803 Trained Climate Reality Leaders
  • Branch staff and Climate Reality Leaders provided recommendations for the latest draft of the NDC that was submitted to the president in February.
  • Developed a new youth leadership training program, “Earth As Only Home: TRACking our Carbon Footprints,” with nearly 100 student delegates from all over the country attending and learning about climate education, energy transition, and sustainable urban mobility.
  • Provided substantive inputs in the current draft of the Climate Change Commission’s guiding framework for civil society participation in implementing, monitoring, evaluating, and updating the NDC.
  • The Youth Cluster of Climate Reality Philippines launched an open letter and media campaign calling out the Philippine government for removing the forestry sector in the NDC.
  • Launched "Eleventh Hour," a weekly column in the Manila Bulletin (the nation's second-oldest newspaper) to educate readers on the impacts of climate change and build popular support for action.
  • Led an anti-single-use plastic campaign in the Philippines, presenting at global UN forums about the ties between plastic production and climate change and working with the Metro Manila local government units to improve policies and use of plastics.
2021 financial report