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Climate Reality Leadership Training in Rome

Make a difference on climate change.

This June, learn how you can make a just clean energy future a reality by joining the Climate Reality Leadership Community and training with former US Vice President Al Gore in Rome, Italy.


Let’s Build a Clean Energy Future for Italy and Southern Europe

Climate Reality Leadership Training In Rome
June 28–30

The application period has ended


28-30 giugno 2024

Iscriviti prima del 4 giugno

Make a Difference on Climate

At a time of profound political change in Italy and Southern Europe, learn how we can advance practical climate solutions across sectors and create a clean energy future for the continent.

Get the skills, know-how, and network to make a difference by joining the Climate Reality Leadership Corps and training with former US Vice President Al Gore, thought leaders, scientists, and experts in Rome, June 28–30.

The training is free to attend and open to anyone committed to just climate solutions. Sessions are held in Italian and English with live translation. Italian sign language may also be provided on request.

Costruiamo un futuro alimentato da energia pulita per l'Italia e l'Europa meridionale

Con l’aggravarsi della crisi climatica in tutta l’Europa meridionale, l’Italia è pronta a fare da traino. Grazie alla sua storia ricca di innovazioni e al suo ruolo pionieristico nelle rinnovabili, l’Italia può guidare la transizione energetica nel continente europeo, contribuendo a contrastare la crisi climatica.

  Scopri come fare la differenza verso una transizione giusta in Italia e in Europa meridionale: partecipando al training con l'ex Vicepresidente degli Stati Uniti Al Gore che si terrà a Roma dal 28 al 30 giugno entrerai a fare parte della Climate Reality Leadership Community.


  Il training è gratuito: si tratta di una rara opportunità di ascoltare dalla viva voce del Vicepresidente Gore e di famosi esponenti del mondo delle imprese, scienziati ed esperti che cosa significa il cambiamento climatico per l'Europa e quali sono le possibili soluzioni.

  Oltre ad ampliare la tua conoscenza della crisi climatica, il training ti aiuterà ad acquisire le competenze e a costruire una rete globale per elaborare soluzioni per il clima e dare forma alla transizione energetica nella tua comunità.

  Al termine del training, i partecipanti diventeranno Climate Reality Leader ed entreranno a far parte di una rete globale di attivisti provenienti da 190 paesi in tutto il mondo.

  Il training si svolgerà in italiano e in inglese, sarà disponibile il servizio di interpretazione simultanea. Su richiesta, può essere fornito anche il servizio di interpretazione in lingua dei segni italiana.





The training will touch on key timely themes, including:
  • Reimagining a Clean Energy Future: How industrial powerhouses like Italy can draw on their expertise and history of innovation to speed a transition to clean energy that’s both fast and fair for everyone.
  • Building Community Resiliency: With rural and urban communities across Europe facing climate challenges, how we can adapt, increase our resiliency, and be ready for a warmer world.
  • Fighting Greenwashing and Disinformation: How energy companies like Eni use greenwashing to hide the true impact of their activities and hold back climate action at a critical time.
  • Building a Collective Citizen Movement: Strategies to go beyond traditional left-right divides and build a broad-based movement for good jobs and healthy communities through climate action.
  • The Solutions in Our Hands: As the International Energy Agency reports, most of the tools we need to cut emissions and reach net zero by mid-century are here today.
All Themes

Featured Sessions

  • The Climate Crisis and Its Solutions with Former US Vice President Al Gore. Experience the legendary presentation that inspired a movement and hear about the latest science on how our climate is changing and the practical solutions in our hands today.
  • Climate Action Across Europe. Vice President Gore and European Commissioner for Climate Action Wopke Hoekstra discuss opportunities and challenges for climate progress across Europe.
  • City Leaders on Climate Action. The forward-looking mayors of Athens and Bologna discuss their experience in transitioning away from fossil fuels and share lessons for communities everywhere.
  • How to Move Your Bank Out of Fossil Fuels. The campaign and research team at Urgewald will show you how to use data tools to effectively pressure banks to divest from climate changing fossil fuels.
  • Is It Really Green? Raimondo Orsini from the Sustainable Development Foundation will explain how to identify and see through disinformation campaigns – and hold big polluters accountable.
  • Let’s Get Organized. Campaigners from Legambiente explore powerful tools and strategies to build coalitions to win.
Full Agenda

Information and Resources

Informazioni e risorse